The above quote from Dr. Stephanie Covington, provides the foundation for understanding that trauma can be anything and it can be different from one person to the next. Our society defines trauma as something that happens to someone that is horrific or unfathomable, but trauma can be endured from every day experiences. Once we have a traumatic experience, our body remembers that event and continues to try to protect us from experiencing that event again. This is where symptoms of PTSD start to present. Our body is in a constant state of awareness, ready for the next threat. This can be taxing for even the strongest individuals.
You are a survivor. All of your experiences in life have led you to where you are now. There is a great amount of strength required to be a trauma survivor. Your mind and your body have protected you and allowed you to become the person you are today. Thank yourself for being so resilient.
Now you're ready to not only survive, but live. You want to let go of what has happened to you and live for your future. We can help you move forward. You don't have to live your life in fear of being triggered and losing control. Let us help you heal your mind and your body from the trauma it has experienced through researched based counseling methods. You can recover from trauma & PTSD.
Many counselors can state that they have experience working with trauma & PTSD. However, many counselors have not undergone specific training to aid their client in effectively overcoming trauma with evidenced based treatment interventions. By choosing a counselor at Mind & Body Integrative Counseling Center in Pembroke Pines, you can be confident that your counselor has taken additional steps to learn about the nature of trauma, how it manifests in the body, and has been certified as a clinical trauma professional.
Traumatic Incident Reduction involves re-experiencing past traumas in a completely safe environment, free of distractions, judgments, or interpretations. TIR can address any severe and shocking event, including accidents, injuries, childhood traumas, violent crime, or any sort of loss. In addition, TIR can address unwanted persistent feelings, emotions, sensations, attitudes and pains, even if you have no immediate memory of traumatic incidents connected to that feeling.
When something happens that is physically or emotionally painful, we have the option of either facing it fully and feeling the pain, or trying in some way to block our awareness of it. When we block or repress the incident, the incident continues to exist as ongoing unfinished business. Such traumatic incidents may continue to exert negative effects. This blocking activity is a self-protective impulse. It “works” to a certain extent, but it can cause us to have attention and awareness tied up in incidents from the past. This has a dulling effect on our ability to perceive, to respond intelligently in the present, and to enjoy our current environment.
Unexamined, unresolved past events tie up our energy and intention. A past incident loses its ability to hurt us at the point where we have looked it through and through. In the process, we release our resistance and the painful emotion and negative thought patterns contained in that past trauma. At the point where the incident has been fully viewed, we feel our attention become unstuck from it and often have an insight or realization. This is called an endpoint.
By providing a means of completely facing a painful incident, TIR can and does deliver relief from the incident’s negative effects, enabling us to fully move on.
Our counselors are trained facilitators of Traumatic Incident Reduction. For further information, click below.
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